Rituals for Mabon

Rituals for Mabon

Our Mabon rituals include a meaningful and easy spell and carefully-crafted seasonal Mabon rituals perfect for every skill level!

Happy Mabon, Tragics!

The air is turning slightly cooler for Southern hemisphere witches, a welcomed relief from Summer. The Autumn Equinox is when the day and night are equal in the forces of light and dark. This Sabbat celebration is a time to tune into the Earth and our core selves.

Skip to ritual: Mabon Mini Ritual (Beginner)
Elemental Offering Witch Bag (Easy)
Protection Apples & Autumn Cleanse (Intermediate)
Mabon Scrying Bowl (Advanced)

Mabon occurs in the The Southern Hemisphere on March 20, 2024, and on September 23, 2024 in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a time for balance and to find equilibrium in our polarities. This space allows us to reacquaint with the full scope of our internal dual nature: mirrored by the natural world around us.

It is a period of change between seasons and yourself.  The second harvest reminds us to truly take inventory of our lives and acknowledge what we reap the rewards of, or what we may be lacking. Prepare for the next cycle by taking stock of what you have and clear out what you no longer need. Mabon represents preparation, gratitude and reflection. Acknowledge what you have, express gratitude and integrate your current state into your present reality before entering the upcoming seasons of darkness and cold.  

Whether you're a beginner witch or are experienced in the craft, our Mabon rituals will help ensure you getting the most out of celebrating this Autumn Equinox in 2024.

We have created a few Mabon Rituals for you to try for this Sabbat. These were designed by our in-house witch Bridgette Scalisi-Kruger - you can check out their Instagram here!

Mabon Mini Ritual (Beginner)

You can perform this ritual using the contents of this month's Mabon Mini Kit, available exclusively as a Tragic Beautiful Monthly Reward!

Read more: Setting up your Mabon Altar | Celebrating Mabon in 2024 | Candle colours in witchcraft 

You'll Need

The Ritual

1. Pour a handful of your Mabon Herb Blend into your hands and recite:

"Rose Petals, Blessed Thistle, Apple Pieces, Cloves & Cinnamon, bring me happiness, balance, protection, prosperity and aid in healing my mind, body and soul"

2. Drop the herbs into your cauldron and mix them together with your hands whilst envisioning their magickal properties working to manifest your intentions. Do this until you feel like you have worked your intention into the herbs. 

3. Anoint either the red, yellow, brown or orange candle from your Mabon | Autumn Ritual Kit with your oil. Your candle colour choice will depend on which intentions you would like to focus on manifesting. Our Simple Guide to Candle Magic can help you decide. For example, you might choose the brown candle for this ritual if you would like to utilise its properties around balance, courage, grounding and stability. 

4. Dress your candle with the herbs you mixed together earlier.

5. Place the dressed candle in your candle holder.

7. When you're ready, light your dressed spell candle and envision your spell working to bring you what you desire. Focus your vision on the flame and look for images that may appear - this is how the universe, your spirit guides and ancestors may deliver messages to you.

Elemental Offering Witch Bag (Easy)

This is an easy one for those who have our Mabon Sabbat Kit and are just learning about witchcraft. It is an offering to the elements this Mabon. You can use the items within our kit or use other items more aligned to your purpose.

Read more: everything you need to know about cauldrons | Celebrating Mabon in 2024 | Candle colours in witchcraft 

You'll need

The Ritual

1. Gather your materials for your harvest basket by going outdoors and exploring the local foliage

2. Bless and charge your items, this is done to clear them of their energetic states, and allows for you to fill your items back up with other energy. You can do this by placing them in sunlight, visualising white light, lighting a red candle or by spritzing the items with oils

3. Light your candle and write a spell or petition letter by it. This can be done by writing a goal or desire. First set a goal like "I will enjoy an abundant autumn" - then remove the vowels from this sentence: wllnjynbndnttmn. Then, remove double ups from this: wlnjynbndtmn. Then write out this desire on the piece of paper, spiralling over the top of each other.

4. Burn the letter and scatter the ashes to release or keep it in a vial for manifesting. 

5. Gather your harvest, crystals & herbs, and draw a symbol or sigil like above to place into the bag with your items - choose what you feel you need for the next season & want to harness for yourself

6. Dig a hole & place the witch bag in the ground, bury it with a plant, put it with a pot plant, on a windowsill or under your pillow.

7. Let the intentions take hold as you let go of the spell. Keep the spell bag nearby and it will recharge when you focus your energy on it. If it is meant to be, it will be.

Optional: Place an offering bowl of Mabon herbs, Autumn leaves, flowers & items near the spell bag. Allow it to charge your crystals by placing them in the offering bowl, or by placing them under the moon or sunlight. 

Protection Apples & Autumn Cleanse (Intermediate)

This ritual is slightly more difficult than the previous one, and is a perfect way to protect & cleanse yourself for the upcoming Mabon season.

Read more: what is a kitchen witch? | what is an athame? | alternatives to white sage

You'll need

The Ritual

1. Cast a protective circle around your ritual space, this can be done by either using your athame by rotating slowly in a circle towards the ground, imagining white light rising from the ground. Alternatively, you can set up your chime candles in cardinal points (North, South, East & West) and light them

2. Place your items on your altar cloth or table and prepare your cauldron by lighting your charcoal & placing it within

3. Add your Mabon Resin Blend on top of your charcoal in your cauldron

4. Take a moment to still yourself & write an intention letter. You may wish to call upon the Universe, elements or deities to maintain the balance within yourself in the darker seasons.To be protected in the nights and shadows of life. Burn it when you are ready. You may use your candles to burn it, or drop the letter into your sparkling cauldron. Gather the ashes when you have finished.

5. Cut an apple into quarters. Once split, anoint the pentacle in the centre of the apple with the Mabon Herb Blend or black salt. The cloves within the Mabon Herb blend act as a power protection tool.

6. Place the apple quarters around your room or property, and scatter the ashes of your intention letter with them, you can either place your red jasper & hematite with your apple quarters to create a protection boundary, or carry them with you.

7. Cleanse your energy by burning your blue sage cleansing wand and mentally repeat the invocation of your intention letter or, if you are comfortable to, an incantation you are comfortable with, to close the cleansing & protection ritual.

8. Close your circle using your cleansing wand by rotating the wand downward and visualising the white light dispersing back into the ground. You may mentally or verbally affirm that the ritual is closed or ring an altar bell.

Scrying Bowl (Advanced)

This ritual is for more advanced witches, though anyone can give it a try! Don't forget, we are always here to help you & guide you through your witchcraft journey!

Read more: what is scrying?

You'll need

The Ritual

1. Cast your circle with your athame or black salt to mark your ritual boundary

2. Anoint your candles and add a sprinkle of the Mabon Herb Blend to your candles

3. Centre yourself and call in cleansing energy to shield your space

4. When you feel ready, set up your candles around your circle & light them. Alternatively, lay down a rope or ribbon to signify the spiritual boundary has been opened

5. Call in your spiritual guides, the elementals, Angels, deities, Universal energy or your higher self. Ask for their guidance for the next season.

6. While you are doing this, visualise or write down specifics you want help with.

7. Prepare your scrying bowl, cauldron or offering bowl and add your Mabon Herb Blend, autumnal foliage and oils to the water.

8. Gaze into the water, clear your mind & let it become still like the water. Tap into the water element - swim into a trance and let go of logical thinking. Channel piscean energy and let the dreamy feeling wash over you.

9. Allow all images, feelings, sounds, knowing and sensations to come through without analysis or doubtful thinking. Write them all down when you feel complete, recording the experience in your journal and sending thanks for the guidance you have received.

10. Stay alert for more information that may come through during dreams, conversations with people, or synchronicities

11. Release the guidance and focus on the gratitude that will serve you during Mabon season.

12. Now, close the ritual. Extinguish the candles. Break the circle boundary by removing the items from the ritual.

13. Pack up and let Mabon bestow it's gifts upon you!

It’s time to take stock of what you have before the seasons turn. It is the beginning of the veil thinning between the physical and spiritual world. Things are slowing down now. It’s a time for deep nourishment and turning inward. Gather all of your natural supplies and tools to commemorate this season of light as it begins to wane. Mabon marks the change from lighter to darker months. The festival commemorates the change in the natural world, and also finding change in ourselves. We’re bunkering down with you, tragics! Time to hibernate and cook up some internal magic: we can’t wait for the next seasons to come for us all. The wheel always turns, and witches evolve.

There are many ways to celebrate Mabon and we've made it easy for you to find inspiration and ideas with our blog on Celebrating Mabon! What will you manifest this Mabon in 2024?

*Safe witches are clever witches, never leave a flame unattended and always be prepared to safely put out a fire if needed.

Tragic Beautiful has curated a collection of witchcraft supplies, tools, and books available here. Join our coven and learn more about magick! We'd love to see you on Facebook, in our VIP group, on insta and our TikTok!

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