Rituals for Ostara

Rituals for Ostara

Ostara (pronounced Oh-star-ah) is celebrated in Australia and the Southern Hemisphere between September 20-23 and between March 20-23 in the Northern Hemisphere. In 2024, Ostara in the Northern Hemisphere will occur on March 20, Ostara in the Southern Hemisphere will land on September 22. If you are a beginner or even a experienced witch, our Ostara rituals will help with celebrating this Sabbat in 2024!

Ostara is celebrated after Imbolc and before Beltane, and is also known as the Spring equinox. It marks the time in which day and night are of equal length. It is a time to honour fertility and new beginnings, sow seeds, and celebrate the abundance and beauty of nature. 

Rituals for Ostara | Tragic Beautiful Book of Shadows

Springtime Cleansing Ritual

This ritual is great to start the season with a fresh slate! We recommend doing this before any of the rituals below. It is a way to cleanse the space and create a magic circle to do your rituals within.

You Will Need:

The Ritual:

    1. Ring your altar bell or burn your cleansing wand while walking around your space to cleanse your area in preparation for the ritual
    2. Cast your magic circle by first pouring a handful of witch’s salt into the palm of your hand
    3. Pivot in a circle, sprinkling your salt as you go to form a circle around you - this circle can be as large or as small as you would like
    4. While facing North, at the edge of the circle, hold your wand out at waist level
    5. Slowly walk or pivot clockwise around the circle’s perimeter, thinking about your intentions while using your energy to charge the space
    6. After you have cast your circle, you may wish to dance around it or add spring flowers
    7. You are now ready to gather your items and prepare them for your ritual

    After the ritual, close the magic circle by ringing your bell and disposing of your salt - DO NOT REUSE THE SALT! Add it back to the earth (not in your garden though - plants dislike that!)

    Ritual created with the help of Bridgette & Shelley of Soul Diving & Divination

    Rituals for Ostara | Tragic Beautiful Book of Shadows

    Ostara Nest Ritual

    This Ostara ritual is a beautiful practice centred around creating a sacred nest to nurture your intentions, symbolising the rebirth and renewal of the season and inviting you to reflect on what truly nourishes your spirit and makes the perfect addition to your Ostara altar

    You Will Need:

    The Ritual:

    1. Using thin twigs, willow, or reeds, begin to weave a small nest. As you weave this nest, do so with love and care, reflecting on what truly nourishes you. If you're doing this with others, take the time to share your reflections.
    2. Decorate your nest with spring flowers, feathers, or any other items that speak to you. Personalise your nest to make it a symbol of what you wish to cultivate in your life this season
    3. As you build and decorate your nest, meditate on what you want to manifest in this season. Think about how you will "nourish" yourself to help these intentions grow and flourish
    4. Take your crystal eggs in your hands. Contemplate what you would like to "birth" this Ostara. This could be a project, a personal quality, a relationship, or any other intention
    5. Research the benefits of the crystals you are using or trust your intuition to weave your own intentions into the eggs, infusing them with the energy of what you want to manifest
    6. Gently place your crystal eggs in the nest. As you do this, make a pledge to nourish yourself in the ways you reflected on earlier. This will help your intentions, represented by the eggs, to thrive
    7. If doing this ritual before Ostara, place your nest somewhere visible - on your altar, windowsill, or another special place - as a daily reminder to nourish yourself and focus on your manifestations
    8. You may keep this nest as a decoration on your Ostara altar until the day of the Sabbat

    Amplify Your Intentions with an Ostara Candle Spell

    After creating your nest, consider performing a candle spell to set your intentions into overdrive

    1. Take your chosen candle and anoint it with rosemary oil by drawing the oil from the centre of the candle towards the wick and then down to the base
    2. Gently sprinkle some of your dried flowers over the candle while holding it above a plate to catch any excess
    3. Place the candle in the middle of your nest. You can do this by melting some wax at the candle's base and sticking it to the bottom of the nest
    4. Light the candle and watch as it burns. Contemplate your intentions for the upcoming season and be mindful of any symbols or signs you see in the flames
    5. Once the candle has completely burned down, close the ritual by ringing your altar bell or clapping your hands
    6. You can choose to bury your nest and crystals in the backyard to return them to the earth, or remove any wax from the crystals and save them to be recharged under the next full moon

    If you prefer not to make a nest, you can instead bury your crystal eggs at the four corners of your home

    Intention "Planting" Ritual 

    For this ritual, you will be sowing your intentions in with your seeds to allow them to grow alongside your plant. You may either use all three pots with all three seed types or use the one you are most drawn to.

    You Will Need:

    The Ritual:

      1. Ring your altar bell or burn your cleansing wand while walking around your space to cleanse your area in preparation for the ritual
      2. Open the ritual by ringing your bell three times 
      3. Meditate within the circle, entering a contemplative trance state
      4. When you are ready, add your charcoal to your cauldron and light it
      5. Once lit, sprinkle your herbs and resins onto the charcoal: begin to form the intention or idea you wish to “plant”
      6. When you are ready, write your intention on a piece of paper from your notebook
      7. Take the paper with your written intention or idea and place it in your hands, using your energy to weave your thoughts into the paper
      8. When you are ready, carefully place the paper using tongs into your cauldron, setting your intentions or ideas alight
      9. Meditate while watching the paper burn, looking out for symbols that may arise from the flames
      10. Once the intention has been burned and the cauldron is cool, discard any leftover charcoal and collect the ashes
      11. Take your soil in your hands and contemplate your intention or idea, and then place it into your planter 
      12. Push your wand into the soil and slowly rotate it clockwise to “dig” a hole
      13. Take your ashes in your hand and think about your energy moving from your brain, down your neck, into your arms and hands and into the ashes
      14. When you are ready, place the ashes into the dirt and mix the two together using your wand
      15. Take your chosen seed/s into your hand and imbue it with your intentions, then place 1 or more seeds 1cm apart from one another in your planter
      16. Cover your seeds with the extra soil and water them using your sourced water
      17. When you are ready, ring the bell three times to declare the end of your ritual

      Ritual created with the help of Bridgette & Shelley of Soul Diving & Divination

      To help your plant grow, make sure to care for it, giving it sunlight and watering it: be mindful of your intentions particularly as you do this.

      Create Your Own Spring Cleansing Wand

      Celebrate the renewal of spring by crafting your own cleansing wand and refreshing the energy in your home! Follow these steps to create a beautiful, personalised wand for your spring cleaning ritual.

      What You'll Need:

      • Dried lavender stalks
      • A mix of dried flowers, herbs, and other foliage of your choice
      • Twine
      • A small selenite rod (optional)

      How to Make Your Spring Cleansing Wand:

      1. Gather Your Materials: Start by collecting your dried lavender stalks. These will form the base of your cleansing wand.

      2. Form your Wand: Gently bundle the lavender stalks together, aligning the ends to create a wand shape. If you have other herbs or foliage you'd like to include, layer them in at this stage to add texture and fragrance.

      3. Secure with Twine: Using the twine, tightly wrap it around the base of the lavender stalks twice to secure them. Continue wrapping up the length of the wand, weaving the twine in a criss-cross pattern to hold everything firmly in place.

      4. Add Selenite for Amplified Energy: If you’d like to add a selenite rod for additional cleansing power, place it along the length of the wand and continue wrapping with the twine. Selenite is known for its purifying properties and can help strengthen the cleansing effect.

      5. Finish and Secure: Once you’ve wrapped your wand and feel happy with it, tie a firm knot at the end to keep everything secure. Trim any excess twine or foliage to tidy & finish your wand off.

      How to Use Your Cleansing Wand for a Spring Home Cleanse:

      To use your newly crafted wand, light the dried herbs and flowers at the tip (if safe to do so) and gently blow out the flame, allowing the smoke to waft through your home. Walk through each room, focusing on areas where negative energy might accumulate, such as corners, doorways, and windows. As you move through your space, set positive intentions for the new season, welcoming renewal, light, and growth.

      Your cleansing wand can be used like any other cleansing tool to clear energy and bring a sense of freshness and harmony to your home. Happy spring cleaning!

      To learn more ways to celebrate Ostara, head to our Ostara blog here!

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