Rituals for Ostara

Rituals for Ostara

Ostara (pronounced Oh-sta-ra) is celebrated in Australia and the Southern Hemisphere between September 20-23 and between March 20-23 in the Northern Hemisphere. In 2024, Ostara in the Northern Hemisphere will occur on March 21, Ostara in the Southern Hemisphere will land on September 23. If you are a beginner or even a experienced witch, our Ostara rituals will help with celebrating this Sabbat in 2023!

Ostara is celebrated after Imbolc and before Beltane, and is also known as the Spring equinox. It marks the time in which day and night are of equal length. It is a time to honour fertility and new beginnings, sow seeds, and celebrate the abundance and beauty of nature. 

Rituals for Ostara | Tragic Beautiful Book of Shadows

Rituals for Ostara

Cleansing & altar preparation

To conduct rituals from a fresh slate, it is best to cleanse your altar using a cleansing tool such as incense, a smudge stick, or a resin blend. Rosemary is a symbol of Ostara, so cleansing your Ostara Altar using our Rosemary Smudge Stick would be very beneficial, as well as our own Ostara Incense Blend

Ostara Seed Ritual


    Rituals for Ostara | Tragic Beautiful Book of Shadows


    1. Decide on your intention for your spell. Example: I'm using my Lavender seeds to help relieve stress, bring about peace and promote healing.
    2. Set up and make room on your altar for the above tools.
    3. Place the purple candle, seed packet & small pot with soil on your altar.
    4. Cleanse yourself, altar and space by ringing your altar bell or burning your cleansing stick.
    5. Light your candle while speaking words of your intention.
    6. Plant your seeds in your soil filled pot while reciting your intention.
    7. Lightly pour water over the soil while envisioning your intention coming to fruition. 
    8. Allow the candle to burn all the way down & let the pot hold space on your altar until then, before moving to where it can grow. 

     To learn more ways to celebrate Ostara, head to our Ostara blog here!

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