How to Celebrate Ostara

How to Celebrate Ostara

One of the most joyous festivals in the Wheel of the Year is Ostara, marking the the Spring Equinox! 

Blessed Ostara, Tragics!

As the air grows warmer and the days stretch longer, a sense of renewal and anticipation fills the atmosphere - it's time to welcome Ostara! This vibrant and invigorating festival marks the arrival of spring, heralding a period of growth, rebirth, and balance. 

Ostara, also known as the Spring Equinox, is a celebration of light's triumph over darkness, as daylight extends its reign, gently pushing aside the remnants of winter's grasp.

Much like how Samhain ushers in the season of darkness and reflection, Ostara invites us to embrace the awakening Earth, to revel in the delicate blossoms and burgeoning life. It is the perfect time for balance, growth, sowing your seeds and tuning in with nature. This is a time when the boundary between the mundane and the magical is particularly thin, a juncture where we stand on the cusp of nature's wonders and embark on a journey of renewal. 

What is Ostara?

Ostara, also known as the Spring Equinox, is a modern Pagan and Wiccan holiday that celebrates the arrival of spring. Ostara is named after the Germanic goddess Eostre or Ostara, who symbolises fertility, new beginnings, and the awakening of nature after the cold winter months.

When is Ostara in 2024?

Here in Australia and the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are reversed, and the Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year occur at different dates than in Northern Hemisphere such as the United States and Canada. 

In the Northern Hemisphere, Ostara occurs between 21-23 March, and between the 21-23 September in the Southern Hemisphere when day and night are of roughly equal length due to the Earth's tilt. In 2024, Ostara in the Northern Hemisphere will land on March 21, and Ostara in the Southern Hemisphere will land on September 22. We have a blog outlining all of the Sabbat dates in the Southern Hemisphere you can explore here.

How to Celebrate Ostara

Celebrating Ostara can involve a variety of activities and rituals that reflect the themes of spring, rebirth, and balance. 

Decorate Eggs & Altars

Engage in the tradition of decorating eggs, symbolising rebirth and fertility. You can use natural dyes from flowers such as calendula or cornflower to create intricate designs to infuse the eggs with the spirit of Ostara. Set up an altar with fresh native flowers like banksia, wattle & bottlebrushes, colourful candles, a floral altar cloth, and other elements representing growth and renewal.

Connect with Nature

Take advantage of the blooming landscape by spending time in nature. Go for a bushwalk or visit a local park to witness the blossoming flowers, budding plants, and active wildlife. This connection with the natural world aligns with Ostara's themes of renewal and growth.

Plant Native Seeds

Instead of traditional seeds, consider planting native seeds in pots or your garden. This act symbolises sowing intentions and fostering a connection to the unique flora of the region. As you care for the plants, reflect on the renewal of both nature and personal goals.

Perform a Sunrise or Sunset Ritual

Embrace the equinox by observing either the sunrise or sunset. This balanced time of day serves as an opportune moment for reflection and ritual. Light a candle, meditate, or simply take in the beauty of the changing light as you honor the increasing daylight hours.

Feast with Local Ingredients

Unleash your inner Kitchen Witch and create a feast using seasonal ingredients. Incorporate fresh fruits, vegetables, and local produce into your meal. If you're in the Southern Hemisphere you can celebrate the flavours of spring in the with Native Australian ingredients to pay homage to Australia's Original Custodians. Likewise, if you are based in the Northern Hemisphere such as the United States, you could celebrate with Indigenous crops that are in-season.

Create & Craft

Engage in craft activities that resonate with the blooming landscape. Create artwork inspired by native flora and fauna, or make a cleansing wand, wreath and decorations using local materials. During a meditation, explore the concept of balance within the context of the Southern Hemisphere's seasonal shift.

Perform a Release Ritual & Connect with the Community

Perform a release ritual to let go of anything holding you back. This can be particularly meaningful as you align with the cycle of renewal in spring. Consider joining or organising a community gathering to share stories, perform rituals, and connect with others who embrace the same seasonal cycle.

Remember, the key to celebrating Ostara is to adapt and incorporate the unique characteristics of your region's flora, fauna, and climate to create a meaningful and authentic Ostara experience that reflects the natural beauty and cultural diversity of the area.

To help you celebrate this joyous sabbat, we have carefully curated an Ostara Sabbat Kit! This kit includes everything you need to perform three different Ostara rituals, including making your own cleansing wand and building your own nest to nourish your eggs.

We hope this blog helps you with some small ways to celebrate Ostara this year! We have also created a blog for rituals to perform during Ostara, and how to set up your altar for Ostara

Tragic Beautiful has curated a collection of witchcraft supplies, tools, and books available here. Join our coven and learn more about magick! We'd love to see you on Facebook, in our VIP group, on insta and our TikTok!