Are you ready to discover what lies in the cards for you this month, Tragics?
For a limited time only, all orders will receive a free limited edition Tragic Tarot card. These limited edition cards feature stunning artwork and come with a QR code, which you can scan to reveal your reading.
What’s more, each order over $50 will receive a sample of our brand new Queen of Cups Tea range! We have a bewitching mix of herbal, black and green tea blends, each serving a different ritual purpose to help you manifest your goals while tasting absolutely divine.
These teas are as yet unreleased so get in quick to be the first to sip!
The range includes:
Guardian Angel - Protection | Sitting Pretty - Abundance | New Leaf - Cleansing | Matchmaker - Self Love | Cloud Nine - Happiness | Sweet Dreams - Sleep
Before unpacking your order, focus on the purpose of this reading. Are you seeking insight into your career? Your love life? Finances?
When you open your package, pay close attention: the position the card lays in relative to your body when you first spot it will determine whether your card is upright or reversed. If your card is code side up when you first see it, flip it over quickly to let your intuition speak for you.
A single card pull can reveal much about your current state. When you first saw it, what was your immediate reaction? This is your inner voice speaking, a powerful guide providing you with the most important information you need to know upfront. Meditate on this reaction while you reflect on the reading; we suggest making notes in a journal to see if there are any patterns with subsequent card pulls. If you’ve received a sample of our teas, take heed of these readings as you perform your ritual as your card’s guidance will help you manifest your goals.