Divination: What is scrying, and how do I scry?

March 1, 2024

Divination: What is scrying, and how do I scry?

At its core, Divination is a way to gain insight into the future or answer a question you may have. It can lead you to hidden insights within your own self or subconscious. Divination can also be a...
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What is a Hedge Witch?

October 5, 2023

What is a Hedge Witch?

In the world of modern witchcraft, there are so many different paths one can follow. Among these, hedge witchcraft stands out as a unique and fascinating tradition that has been practiced for centu...
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What is a Sea Witch?

October 5, 2023

What is a Sea Witch?

Embracing the mystical allure of the sea, sea witchcraft is a captivating and enchanting path for those who feel a deep connection to the ocean and its mysteries. Sea witches draw power from the ti...
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What is a Kitchen Witch?

October 5, 2023

What is a Kitchen Witch?

In the world of modern witchcraft, there are countless paths one can explore, each offering unique and beautiful ways to connect with the mystical energies of the universe. One such path that often...
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What is a Green Witch?

October 5, 2023

What is a Green Witch?

In a world where technology often takes center stage, there's a growing desire among many to reconnect with the natural world and tap into its mystical energies. This desire has led to the resurgen...
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Smudging vs Smoke Cleansing

April 17, 2023

Smudging vs Smoke Cleansing

Although smoke cleansing and smudging visually look similar, the intentions and purposes behind them are rather different. 
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How to Read Tarot Cards: A Beginner's Guide

May 18, 2022

How to Read Tarot Cards: A Beginner's Guide

Not sure where to start with tarot? This handy guide will help you better understand how to choose a deck, understanding the cards & interpreting their meanings. 
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Simple Cleansing Spells

November 18, 2019

Simple Cleansing Spells

Cleansing rituals are about the simplest ways to remove negative energy around you, but often get overlooked when we are feeling the weight of old arguments or other negativity that surround us. Th...
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