Welcome to the Tragic Book of Shadows. We will be regularly updating this blog with spells to aid you with living your best life, that our witches have hand-curated for you with love and positive intention.

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August 26, 2021

Remove Negative Energy Spell

Remove Negative Energy Spell

Have you noticed some lingering shadows or strange, negative energy? Maybe someone earth side is displaying some bothering behaviour. Whether in this realm or that - there is a way to cast away an ominous presence or negative energy.

The following ritual can aid in removing evil from your personal space. It is best performed in the area where you feel the presence or within your own home. 

The Altar

Cast Iron Lined Cauldron

Remove negative energy spell altar

The Ritual

  1. Prepare the ritual bowl or cauldron by adding a small amount of rainwater.

    If you don't have rainwater - any water will do, though rainwater is the most powerful.

  2. Taking your full length of sweet grass - use scissors or a ritual knife to cut it directly in half. The sweetgrass represents the serpent. Cutting it in half represents removing the "snake" from its "venom".

  3. Take one half of the sweetgrass and place it on a small altar cloth, hankerchief or fabric square. With the remaining half - light the end with a ritual candle or matches.

  4. Wave it over and around the piece on the cloth in a smudging ritual. Extinguish the smoldering sweetgrass in your cauldron of rainwater.

  5. As the sweetgrass enters the water, picture in your minds eye the entity or person that is bothering you. Recite the following words while the smudged grass is still in the cauldron.

    "Away with you,
    Away with you,
    Away with you".

  6. Remove sweetgrass from cauldron and allow to dry. This piece can be kept for future rituals or practice.

  7. You will now need your "Go away evil" resin and herb mix. Pour some of the mix (the amount is up to you and how powerful you want the spell to be) onto the cloth and sweetgrass.

  8. Wrap the sweetgrass and herbal blend in the fabric and bind securely with twine.

  9. Take your bundled spell and dip each end in the cauldron of rainwater, alternatively you may douse the whole bundle with the water.

    Now that you have separated the "snake" from its " venom" and bundled and bound the negative presence - you need to imprison it. This can be done by burying the bundle directly into the ground.

  10. Choose a space where you can return and retrieve it. When burying the sweetgrass bundle, ask the earth and nature to absorb the negative energy. There is no presence stronger than nature.

  11. Leave the bundle for 5 nights. This represents each point on the pentacle and counting down.

  12. After 5 nights, retrieve your spell. Remove it from the ground and thank the earth for helping you with your issue.

  13. If you have any personal ritual to end a spell it can be recited here. If not, clap 3 times to signal the end of the sacrament. Recite the words:

    "It is done".

The bundled spell may be dismantled and cleansed for re-use with the remaining part of your sweet grass. Discard the resin and herb mix. Either dispose of it or add it to your own Vial, separate from the remaining unused mix. 

Altar Setup

Setting up your Ostara Altar How to Make Ritual Oils Creating an Ancestor Altar


Banishing Spells

Beginner Guides

How to Make Ritual Oils Divination: What is scrying, and how do I scry?


Cleansing Spells


Divination: What is scrying, and how do I scry?

Dream Magic

Essential Oils

Tragic Apothecary 100% Pure Essential Oils

Herb Guides

Heather Flowers: Magickal Properties & Uses Hibiscus: Magickal Properties & Uses High John the Conqueror Root: Magickal Properties & Uses Jamaican Dogwood Root: Magickal Properties & Uses Jasmine: Magickal Properties & Uses Juniper Berries: Magickal Properties & Uses Lavender: Magickal Properties & Uses Lemon Verbena: Magickal Properties & Uses Lucky Hand Root: Magickal Properties & Uses Mallow: Magickal Properties & Uses Mandrake: Magickal Properties & Uses Masterwort: Magickal Properties & Uses Meadowsweet: Magickal Properties & Uses Mistletoe: Magickal Properties & Uses Mugwort: Magickal Properties & Uses Mullein: Magickal Properties & Uses Nettle: Magickal Properties & Uses Peony Root: Magickal Properties & Uses Patchouli Leaf: Magickal Properties & Uses Peppermint: Magickal Properties & Uses Pine Needles: Magickal Properties & Uses Raspberry Leaf: Magickal Properties & Uses Red Clover: Magickal Properties & Uses Rose: Magickal Properties & Uses Rose of Jericho: Magickal Properties & Uses Rosemary: Magickal Properties & Uses Sacred Lotus: Magickal Properties & Uses Safflower: Magickal Properties & Uses Scullcap: Magickal Properties & Uses St John's Wort: Magickal Properties & Uses Thyme: Magickal Properties & Uses Valerian Root: Magickal Properties & Uses Vervain: Magickal Properties & Uses White Sage: Magickal Properties & Uses Willow Bark: Magickal Properties & Uses Witch Hazel: Magickal Properties & Uses Wormwood: Magickal Properties & Uses


Imbolc Rituals

Kitchen Witchcraft


Luck Spells

Imbolc Rituals


Moon Spells


How to Celebrate Ostara Rituals for Ostara Setting up your Ostara Altar

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Powerful Protection & Defence Spell Kit

Ritual Oils

How to Make Ritual Oils

Sabbat Rituals

Rituals for Ostara Imbolc Rituals


How to Celebrate Ostara Rituals for Ostara Imbolc Rituals


Creating an Ancestor Altar

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